12 Month Well-Child Visit
Congratulations! Your baby is now a full year old, and has graduated from the infant to toddler stage. You have seen incredible growth and development in the past year, with much more to come. What can you expect at this…
9 Month Well-Child Visit
Your baby is now very mobile – crawling and sometimes even walking at this point! Babies this age are curious, exploring their environment and testing their skills. Fear or anxiety of strangers is also beginning to develop. What can you…
6 Month Well-Child Visit
Your baby is half a year old! 6 month old infants are really developing quickly, learning new skills and becoming much more social. What can you expect at this visit with the Pediatrician? Vitals – Heart rate and respiratory rate…
4 Month Well-Child Visit
By four months your infant is beginning to develop a personality and interact more with you and his or her environment. Growth is still rapid but starting to slow down a little. Booster vaccinations are due. What can you expect…
Infant Vaccines
An important part of many well-child visits in the first year is vaccination. This is a vital way to protect your child against severe illness. Your child’s doctor will discuss vaccines that are recommended for your child during the well-child…
2 Month Well-Child Visit
The two month well-child visit is a very important one. There are several developmental milestones that infants reach by 2 months, and this visit is when they start receiving vaccinations. What can you expect at this visit with the Pediatrician?…
1 Month Well-Child Visit
The 1 month old infant is starting to interact more with the world around. Growth is still very rapid. Feeding and sleeping schedules are usually more established. What can you expect at this visit with the Pediatrician? Vitals – heart…
2 week Well-Child Visit
Two weeks is a big milestone for your baby. Infants are usually back to up to (or even above) their birth weight, have lost their umbilical cord stumps, and are starting to regulate a schedule of feeding and sleeping. What…