Tipping Point – Avoiding Furniture Injuries in Climbing Toddlers
Starting in early toddlerhood, around 15-18 months of age, I begin to ask about climbing. Toddlers are amazing climbers, and the world (including the inside of their homes) is their playground. They quickly figure out how to get on the…
Safe Use of Essential Oils in Children
The use of essential oils has been rapidly gaining in popularity over the past few years, and they are now widely available in pharmacies, supermarkets, and online. We have discussed the use of essential oils in aromatherapy previously: Aromatherapy and…
Constipation – When Your Child Struggles to Poop
“Are you pooping okay?” is something I ask multiple times a day. Depending on the age of the child, this question is met with either laughter, embarrassment, or confusion as to why I am talking about poop during a well-child…
Nutrition Recommendations – Fiber
We continue a multi-part series on nutrition this week, specifically regarding vitamins and minerals. These dietary elements are a very important part of your child’s growth, and while a varied diet can be difficult with picky eaters, hopefully this series…
Soothing a Fussy Infant
As strange as it is to say, the sound of crying children has become the background noise of my life. Infants and young children cry in my office for many reasons – they don’t like to be weighed on the…
Tips for Kitchen Safety During the Holiday Season
Once again, it is the favorite time of year for so many people in our country. At the end of the year, the holiday season is a whirlwind period of time, during which many families gather for meals and celebrations.…
Violence in the Media and Effects on Youth
Has your teen watched the new Netflix hit show “Squid Game” yet? Hopefully not. Despite it’s TV-MA rating – meaning that it is not recommended for viewers under 17 years of age – the show is finding its way to…
Get Moving! Encourage Your Child To Be Active
Childhood obesity has been a growing issue for the past few decades. It is the result of a complex dynamic that includes nutrition, activity levels, socioeconomic status, and genetics. We will not get into all of these factors today. For…