• Well Child Checkups

    2 Month Well-Child Visit

    The two month well-child visit is a very important one. There are several developmental milestones that infants reach by 2 months, and this visit is when they start receiving vaccinations. What can you expect at this visit with the Pediatrician?…

  • Well Child Checkups

    1 Month Well-Child Visit

    The 1 month old infant is starting to interact more with the world around. Growth is still very rapid. Feeding and sleeping schedules are usually more established. What can you expect at this visit with the Pediatrician? Vitals – heart…

  • Well Child Checkups

    2 week Well-Child Visit

    Two weeks is a big milestone for your baby. Infants are usually back to up to (or even above) their birth weight, have lost their umbilical cord stumps, and are starting to regulate a schedule of feeding and sleeping. What…

  • Well Child Checkups

    First Newborn Visit

    Congratulations! You made it home with your newborn and are settling into a routine (as much as you can). Within a few days of coming home, it will be important for your infant to have the first visit with the…

  • Parenting Advice

    Prenatal Information

    Pediatricians are trained to take care of children from birth through young adulthood. A very important part of planning for your baby’s arrival is selecting a Pediatrician. Many offices will offer opportunities to meet with a doctor prior to your…