• Vaccines

    Adolescent Vaccines

    An important part of many well child visits is vaccination. This is a vital way to protect your child against severe illness. Your child’s healthcare provider will discuss vaccines that are recommended for your child during the well-child visit, and…

  • Vaccines

    “Kindergarten” Vaccines – Age 4-5y

    An important part of many well-child visits is vaccination, including booster vaccines. This is a vital way to protect your child against severe illness. Your child’s doctor will discuss vaccines that are recommended for your child during the well-child visit,…

  • Well Child Checkups

    4 Year Well-Child Visit

    Your four year old is officially a “preschooler.” He or she can express emotions and opinions readily, but may not always have much control over these expressions. “Why?” is still a frequent question, and curiosity is ever present. What can…

  • Well Child Checkups

    3 Year Well-Child Visit

    Some people call them “threenagers,” some the “trusting three’s,” but whatever the case may be for your child, it is likely that he or she is active, demanding of your attention, and curious about everything. This year is all about…

  • Well Child Checkups

    24 Month Well-Child Visit

    Your little one is 2! So much has happened since the last check up – language ability has exploded, activity is constant, and exploration of abilities and the environment continues. What can you expect at this visit with the Pediatrician?…