Strep Throat – More Than Just a “Sore Throat”
Kids get sore throats for many reasons – irritation from post-nasal drainage, allergies, abrasions from sharp foods, viral infections, and bacterial infections. Most of these are self-limited. They cause pain and discomfort for few to several days, but go away…
Nutrition Recommendations: Vitamin C
We continue a multi-part series on nutrition this week, specifically regarding vitamins and minerals. These dietary elements are a very important part of your child’s growth, and while a varied diet can be difficult with picky eaters, hopefully this series…
Preparing Your Child for a New Sibling
The addition of a new baby to the family is a big change for everyone. It can make a big impact on older siblings as they become accustomed to sharing time, attention, and space with the new baby. It is…
The Dangers of Vaping
E-cigarettes. Vapes. JUULs. E-cigs. Tanks. Mods. They are called by many names, but the product is basically the same: an electronic device that produces a mixture of particles that is inhaled – a process often referred to as “vaping.” For…
Childhood Exposure Risks: Secondhand Smoke
This topic really should not need to be covered. The dangers of smoke exposure to others, particularly to young children, has been apparent for many years. Unfortunately, when I ask, “Does anyone smoke around your child” during well-child checkups, the…
Nutrition Recommendations: Iron
We continue a multi-part series on nutrition this week, specifically regarding vitamins and minerals. These dietary elements are a very important part of your child’s growth, and while a varied diet can be difficult with picky eaters, hopefully this series…
When Learning is a Struggle
Children are required to learn many skills as they navigate through life. They must learn to speak and to write, how to read, how to complete math problems. These skills come with great ease to some and with great difficulty…
Is Baby Food Safe?
It seems that every few months I see a headline declaring the presence of heavy metals, such as inorganic arsenic, lead, and mercury, in commercially prepared baby foods. It doesn’t seem to matter whether the baby food is name brand,…