Developmental Milestones – Fine Motor
Like a fine-point pen, fine motor skills are small, precise movements made by the body. These are movements that involve coordination between muscles, like those of the hands and the eyes. These movements enable functions such as writing, fastening, and grasping.
Here is a guide for developmental milestones in regards to fine motor development from birth to age 4 years. This is not to be used in place of screening tests in the Pediatrician’s office but rather to help parents know what to expect at each stage. Fine motor delays can be treated through therapy with an Occupational Therapist.
Newborn – holds fingers in tight fist. Grasps reflexively when palm is touched.
1 month – relaxes fist at rest more often
2 months – opens and shuts hands
4 months – keeps hands open and not closely fisted. Brings hands together in the midline. Reaches for and grasps objects.
6 months – transfers objects from one hand to the other. Rakes at small objects with whole hand. Bangs objects on surfaces.
9 months – picks up objects with modified pincher grip (2-3 fingers and thumb). Releases objects intentionally. Bangs objects together.
12 months – drops objects into a cup. picks up small objects with pincher fingers (finger and thumb).
15 months – grasps and makes a mark with crayon. Drops objects in a container and takes them back out.
18 months – scribbles spontaneously. Throws a small ball while standing up. Stacks two blocks.
24 months – stacks four blocks. Turns pages in books. Uses hands to turn objects such as knobs and lids.
3 years – draws a circle. Draws a stick figure person with a head and one other body part. Cuts with child-safety scissors.
4 years – draws a stick figure person with at least 3 body parts. Draws a simple cross and a square. Grasps pencil correctly. May start to write letters.
If you have concerns about your child not meeting these fine motor milestones, please make an appointment to see your child’s Pediatrician for further evaluation.
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