Parenting Advice

  • Parenting Advice,  Safety

    When It’s Cold Outside

    As we dive further into November and our local kids are having the first snow days off of school for the year, I realized it was a good time to talk about keeping kids warm in the winter. This will…

  • Parenting Advice,  Safety

    Keeping Cool When It’s Hot Outside

    It’s definitely the middle summer when Heat Advisory warnings are popping up on weather apps and media outlets. High temperatures put kids at risk for heat-related illnesses, which can range from mild to life-threatening.  Athletes who participate in outdoor sports…

  • Parenting Advice

    Summer Screen Time

    Unless your child is on a year-round school schedule, you are probably nearing the end of the school year. Summer vacation can be a time of complete freedom from structured activities, a time to go outside more, play with friends,…

  • Parenting Advice

    Overuse Injuries in Youth Sports

    Little League elbow. Torn ACL. Swimmer’s shoulder. Shin splints. Gymnast’s wrist. All of these injuries share a common theme: overuse.  As youth sports participation continues to rise, so does the commitment to training of these athletes. Some kids take it…

  • Parenting Advice

    Sleep Apnea in Children

    Sleep apnea is a type of sleep disorder in which normal breathing patterns are repeatedly interrupted, reducing or even stopping the flow of air into the lungs while a person is asleep. This is a potentially serious condition that should…