• Parenting Advice

    Overuse Injuries in Youth Sports

    Little League elbow. Torn ACL. Swimmer’s shoulder. Shin splints. Gymnast’s wrist. All of these injuries share a common theme: overuse.  As youth sports participation continues to rise, so does the commitment to training of these athletes. Some kids take it easy and participate a few times per week, while others discover something they love and become heavily involved in one particular sport multiple days per week. Overuse occurs when the same active body movements occur again and again without enough time for recovery.  Young athletes involved in sports with a lot of running and jumping (cross country, soccer, basketball, dance)…

  • Nutrition

    5-2-1-0 Program: Promoting Healthy Active Children

    According to a Harvard University Prevention Research study, the prevalence of being overweight as a child in the United States tripled from 1980 to 2009. This staggering statistic also portrays a concerning outlook for the long-term health of US children,…

  • Infection & Disease

    Symptoms of Illness: Cold vs Flu

    When people describe an illness as “the flu” in my office, it can mean many things. A bad cold, influenza, a gastrointestinal illness. To medical providers, “the flu” always refers to an infection with the Influenza virus. On the contrary,…

  • Infection & Disease

    Seizures in Children

    A seizure occurs when the electrical signals in the brain become disorganized, causing a sudden temporary change in movement, awareness, behavior, and consciousness. They can occur quickly and without warning. The outward or visible manifestation of a seizure depends on…

  • Infection & Disease

    Lead Exposure – Rare But Important

    Heavy metals are a prominent part of our environment. These heavy metals include lead, mercury and arsenic. Unfortunately, most of them also have significant negative effects if ingested in large amounts, or even in smaller amounts that accumulate over time.…