Combating Misinformation
March 1, 2025We live in a world with information readily available at our fingertips, more than any other time in history. With computers and smart phones questions can be answered within a few minutes, if not less. Explanations and details and advice abound on the internet for all to find. It’s information overload. There is an underlying problem with this glut of information: not all of it is accurate, much of it is biased, and some of it is actually completely incorrect. When you direct this conversation towards healthcare, an additional layer of complexity is added because medical information can be difficult…
Vaccine Hesitancy and Refusal
This article was originally posted in November 2020. Given the increased amount of questions and concerns we have been seeing in clinic recently, I felt it was important to revisit this topic this week. Vaccinations are arguably one of the…
Seasonal Affective Disorder in Children -Ways to Help SAD Kids
Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a common disorder in both older children and adults. It is not simply “winter blues” that is experienced by many as the days become darker and colder, but an actual mental health diagnosis. It…
New Year, New Outlook for Families
As the year comes to a close, many people take a closer look at their life and set goals for the future. Whether you call these New Year’s resolutions or goals for the future, deciding to change a part of…
Respiratory Syncytial Virus – Old Problem, New Solutions
This article was originally posted last fall. I thought it would be good to update and repost it, as there have been some big changes in the world of RSV since then. Respiratory Syncytial Virus, or RSV, has long been…
When It’s Cold Outside
As we dive further into November and our local kids are having the first snow days off of school for the year, I realized it was a good time to talk about keeping kids warm in the winter. This will…
Sports Safety – Concussion
Part of keeping kids safe while they play sports is the prevention and treatment of injuries. Today we will discuss concussion, including symptoms, prevention measures, activities most at-risk for concussion, treatment, and return-to-play protocols. What is a concussion? A concussion…
Influenza – Winter’s Recurring Threat
The Influenza virus, usually referred to as “the flu,” causes an illness that affects the respiratory system, particularly the trachea (windpipe) and the lungs. In the United States, Influenza infection occurs from the Fall to the early Spring. There are…
Infection Control in Schools and Childcare Settings
Pediatrics is an area of medicine that is very cyclical – in the summer we see a lot of kids for well child checkups and sports physicals, while in the winter we see lots of respiratory infections like pneumonia, RSV,…